Mens solutions- burning kilojoules
Burn 1: Basal (resting) metabolism
Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, accounts for about 60 – 75 percent of your overall metabolism. Surprisingly, it represents the kilojoules you burn doing nothing at all. Its fuelled by your heart beating, your lungs working to breathe and even your cells dividing!
Burn 2: Digestive Metabolism
This burn results from the thermic effect of food, or TEF. Simply digesting food( converting carbohydrates to sugar and protein to amino acids) typically burns 10% of your daily kilojoules. You burn more kilojoules digesting protein than carbohydrates and fats!
Burn 3: Exercise and movement metabolism
This part of your metabolism includes your gym workouts and other physical activities such as jogging or playing ball (exercise-activity thermo genesis or EAT). It also includes your countless incidental movements through the day, like turning pages in a magazine( non-exercise-activity thermo genesis or NEAT).
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