Thursday, 3 November 2011

Mens solutions- mens health dates

Mens solutions- mens health dates
The perfect first date follow-up
You want to smoothly set up the second date during the first. Assuming it’s all going well, you will have discovered interests- food, music, movies that will give you inspiration.
(A) “ There is a great new restaurant opening would love to take you there!”
(B) “ I was thinking of checking out this live show if you would like to come with me!”
(C) “ Did you hear that new movie comes out this weekend would you like to come watch it with me”
Conclude the date with a brief message(SMS). A genuine one checking she got home safe and you had a great time.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mens solutions- mens health V-shape

Build a swimmers V-shaped upper body in three moves

Pull up- muscles worked: latissimus dorsi, core muscles
Grab a bar and allow your legs t hang, palms facing forwards. Pull your body up until your chest reaches the bar( gentle touch).
Cable rear lateral raise- muscles worked: shoulder abductors, external rotators, scapular retractors, elbow extensors
With your right knee closest to the cable machine, support yourself on your right hand and grab the handle with your left hand. Pull it across your body until your left arm is extended. Change position and repeat with your right hand.
Cable face pull- muscles worked: latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, teres minor, infrasinatus, posterior delts
Grab a rope attachment on a cable machine. Hold each side with one hand. Pull the rope towards your face until the handles touch your ears. Your shoulder blades should be pulled back and down. Each pull should be preceded by a scapular retraction.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Mens solutions- mens health sex stats

Mens solutions- mens health sex stats
55.6% of men and 48.2% of women say they’ve had sex in a public place.
67% of women who have faked an orgasm, according to their loving partners who know when they’ve done good work and who satisfy their lady in every way.
31% of women who have confessed that, yes they have indeed had to end faking an orgasm, despite their partners best effort in bed.
7% of women think faking an orgasm is a big mistake that their partner can pick it up!
21% of men who say she uses her teeth to much during oral sex.
24% of men who say she uses her tongue too little during oral sex.
2 out of 10 men who say they have had a threesome.
1 out of 10 women who say they have had a threesome.
The ideal length of time intercourse should last, according to 48.6% of men and 51.3% of women is 20-30 minutes.
72.9% of women who can say the found their G-spot.
How often men and women want sex:
27.6% several times a day 12.2%
28.5% once a day 19.5%
40.2% two or three times a week 46.8%
2.1% once a week 10.6%
0.6% once a month 1.4%
0.3% less than once a month 1.6%
Body parts that turn men and women on the most:
44.1% of men say her butt
35.7% of men say her chest
24.2% of women say his butt
25.3% of women say his chest

Friday, 21 October 2011

Mens Solutions- Bench press more

Bench press more

What to do?

Try eccentric lifting, in which you focus on the lowering the weight during a bench press rather than lifting it. Load the barbell 80 to 120 percent of your one-rep max( for example, 80 to 100kg if your max one-rep is 90kg), and take four to five seconds to lower the weight while keeping tension in your chest. Have your spotter help you press the bar back up as fast as possible, then repeat. Do two to four sets of three to five reps!

Why it works?

Your body can handle more weight as you’re lowering the bar than as you’re pressing it up. Repeated lowering of a heavy weight will slowly help your body adapt and learn to handle more weight in general. Eventually, you’ll be able to press a heavier load. The slow lowering also creates a lot of tension in your muscles as they try to keep the bar stable. That builds muscle.

Mens Solutions- mens health muscle diet

Mens health muscle diet

When wanting to increase muscle one should make sure the minimum amount of protein intake a day is no less than 130g!

Breakfast: 3 eggs = 21g of protein
                  1 slice cheddar cheese = 7g of protein
                  1 slice of bacon = 5g of protein

Snack: ¾ cup cottage cheese with fruit = 24g of protein
Lunch: 85g of sliced meat = 15g of protein
             2 slices wholewheat bread = 8g of protein

Snack: 28g almonds = 6g of protein
Dinner: 170g tenderloin = 42g of protein
             ½ cup cooked spinach = 3g of protein

Total protein = 131g

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Mens solutions- mens health gym program

There is many ways and routines to gym, A combination of cardio and weight training will give one a great result.
Here is an easy program for beginners:

Warm Up: 10 min on any cardio equipment

Chest: Bench press, 3 sets 10 reps
            Peck deck/flies, 3 sets 10 reps

Back: Lateral pull down, 3 sets 10 reps
           Seated row, 3 sets 10 reps

Shoulders: Shoulder press, 3 sets 10 reps
                   Upright row, 3 sets 10 reps

Biceps: Dumbbell curls, 3 sets 10 reps
              Barbell curls, 3 sets 10 reps

Triceps: Tricep dips, 3 sets 10 reps
                Tricep extension, 3 sets 10 reps

Legs: Leg press, 3 sets 10 reps
           Leg extensions, 3 sets 10 reps
           Leg curls, 3 sets 10 reps
           Calve raises, 3 sets 10 reps

Mens solutions- mens health dead lift

Mens health dead lift

The dead lift isn’t just for power lifters, it’s a total body exercise that builds strength and improves sports performance. There are many variations of the classic move that can give you the edge on the court, field or even the water.

Sumo-Dead Lift:

Roll a barbell against your shins and grab it using an overhand grip or mixed grip, your hands about 30cm apart. Stand with your feet about twice your shoulder width apart and your toes pointed out. Bend your hips and knees; without allowing your back to round, pull your torso up, thrust your hips forwards and stand up with the barbell. Lower the bar to the floor, keeping it as close to your body as possible.

Single-Arm Dead Lift:

Place a dumbbell on the floor next to your right ankle. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the weight with your right hand. Without allowing your back to round, stand up with the dumbbell as you thrust your hips forward slightly. Lower the weight on the floor, and then repeat on the left hand side.

Clean Pull:

With your feet shoulder width apart, roll a barbell against your shins. Bend at your hips and knees and grasp the bar using a shoulder width, overhand grip. Keeping your back naturally arched and your arms straight, pull the bar up by thrusting your hips forwards, straightening your legs, rising on the balls of your feet and shrugging your shoulders. Lower the bar to the floor and repeat.